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What I'm Doing This June or Why I Haven't Been Posting

     Summer is a lovely time of favorite actually!

     I'm taking a break from posting because we are working on our new house. Cleaning, scraping popcorn ceilings, cleaning, removing wallpaper, cleaning, cleaning, and did I mention cleaning? June is also my birthday month, so I will be celebrating that. (15! Whoop! Whoop!) And our church's VBS is this week, so lots of crazy stuff happening!

     That being said, I'll catch up with you maybe July or whenever I have legit time to write.

     Enjoy your summer: stop by every little kids' lemonade stand, soak in the sunshine, make music, go swimming, conquer that long summer reading list, and make new friends!

     Have an incredible, magnanimous, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious summer!



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